Mean Sensing Depth for Skin Hydration Measurement of the Epsilon Capacitance Contact Imaging System.
Skin Forum 17th Annual Meeting, Reims 2019.
Latest Development in Skin Surface Moisture Imaging.
NYSCC Suppliers Day Skin Measurement Workshop, New York 2019.
TEWL Studies
TRI Course: Principles and Practice of Skin Measurement Science, Princeton 2018.
Stratum Corneum Hydration Measurement using Capacitance Contact Imaging
COMET, Cergy Pontoise 2017.
Membrane Integrity Testing
15th International PPP Conference, La Grande Motte 2016.
Capacitive Contact Imaging For Skin Characterization
15th International PPP Conference, La Grande Motte 2016.
Skin Hydration & Measurement
TRI Course: Advances in Skin Science, Measurement & Treatment, Princeton 2016.
Multi-location Clinical Trials: Do Tewl Readings Change with Altitude ?
SCC Annual Scientific Meeting & Technology Showcase, New York 2015.
Skin Hydration Measurement Using Contact Imaging
SCC Annual Scientific Meeting & Technology Showcase, New York 2014.
Messen heisst Wissen
31st Winterseminar of the Swiss SCC, Champfèr 2013.
Biox Epsilon – A new Permittivity Imaging System
ISBS World Congress, Copenhagen 2012.
Hydration Measurements: The +ve & -ve
SCVII & Skin Forum Conference, Cardiff 2012.
Calibration of Franz Cell Membrane Integrity Test by the TEWL Method
13th International PPP Conference, La Grande Motte 2012.
Membrane Solvent Penetration Measurements using Contact Imaging
13th International PPP Conference, La Grande Motte 2012.
In-vivo Solvent Penetration Measurement using Contact Imaging and Skin Stripping
SCC Annual Scientific Meeting & Technology Showcase, New York 2011.
Measuring Barrier Function
Skin Forum 12th Annual Meeting, Frankfurt, March 2011.
Mathematical Model for the Stratum Corneum Water Loss Barrier
1st Research Conference on Modelling Barrier Membranes, Frankfurt 2011.
Images de la Peau In-vivo par Capteurs d’Empreintes Digitales
VIIIème Congrès de la SF2iC, Bordeaux 2010.
Effects of Non-Aqueous Vapours on Condenser-chamber TEWL Measurements
SCC Annual Scientific Meeting & Technology Showcase, New York 2009.
3D Mathematical Modelling for Dynamic Water Diffusion Through Stratum Corneum
Stratum Corneum VI Conference, Boston 2009.
New Model for TEWL Change during Tape Stripping of the Stratum Corneum
Stratum Corneum VI Conference, Boston 2009.
Macro-scale Mathematical Model for Hydration and TEWL in intact Stratum Corneum
ISBS International Congress, Besançon 2009.
Stratum Corneum Barrier Function Measurement using Fingerprint Sensor and Condenser-TEWL Methods
International Conference on Occupational and Environmental Exposure of Skin to Chemicals, Edinburgh 2009.
Skin, Air and Water
10th Annual Meeting of the Skin Forum & 3rd APGI Skin and Formulation Symposium, Versailles 2009.
Mathematical Model for TEWL Change during Tape Stripping of the Stratum Corneum
SCC Annual Scientific Meeting & Technology Showcase, New York 2008.
Modèle mathématique pour changements de PIE causés par stripping du stratum corneum
Congrès de la SF2iC, Monaco 2008.
Barrier Integrity Testing with a Condenser-chamber TEWL Instrument
1st Joint ISBS/ISDIS International Meeting, Seoul 2008.
Franz Cell Barrier Integrity Testing using a Condenser-chamber TEWL Instrument
11th International PPP Conference, La Grande Motte 2008.
Open-chamber and Condenser-chamber TEWL Methods: Mathematical Model and Experimental Comparisons
SCC Annual Scientific Meeting & Technology Showcase, New York 2007.
Measurement of Water Holding Capacity using a Condenser-chamber TEWL Instrument
Stratum Corneum V Congress, Cardiff, July 2007.
Nails and Water
8th Annual Meeting of the Skin Forum, London 2007.
Uncertainty Analysis for the Droplet Method of Water Vapour Flux Calibration
5th International Symposium on Humidity and Moisture. Rio de Janeiro 2006.
Traceable Calibrations for Water Vapour Flux Instruments
5th International Symposium on Humidity and Moisture. Rio de Janeiro 2006.
Franz Cell Barrier Integrity Assessment using a Condenser-chamber TEWL Instrument
US Regional ISBS Symposium, Atlanta 2006.
Effect of Solvent Vapours on TEWL Measurements
10th International PPP Conference, La Grande Motte 2006.
Mathematical Modelling for Water Concentration Depth Profiles and Water Migration within the Stratum Corneum
World Congress on Non-Invasive Studies of the Skin, Philadelphia 2005.
Reconvolution Analysis of Occlusion Recovery Flux Curves
ISBS World Congress on Non-Invasive Studies of the Skin, Philadelphia 2005.
Mathematical Modelling for TEWL Calibration Using Droplet Method
ISBS World Congress on Non-Invasive Studies of the Skin, Philadelphia 2005.
Rapid Measurement of TEWL with a Condenser-chamber Instrument
ISBS World Congress on Non-Invasive Studies of the Skin, Philadelphia 2005.
TEWL and the Skin Barrier
6th Annual Meeting of the Skin Forum, Winchester 2005.
Biophysical Techniques in Skin Research: Measurement of TEWL
39th Annual Conference of the ASCC, Brisbane 2005.
A New Calibration Method for TEWL with Traceability to Measurement Standards
US-Regional ISBS Meeting, Orlando 2004.
Traceable Calibration for TEWL: Does it make a Difference in Practice ?
US-Regional ISBS Meeting, Orlando 2004.
Mathematical Analysis of ASTM-96 Based TEWL Calibration Method
US-US-Regional ISBS Meeting, Orlando 2004.
Towards a Traceable Calibration for Trans-Epidermal Water Loss
Stratum Corneum IV Congress, Paris 2004.
Water Vapour Flux Measurement – Principle and Applications
Humidity Club Meeting, Teddington 2004.
A New Method for Measuring Trans-Epidermal Water Loss
Incontinence: The Engineering Challenge, London 2003.
New Method for Measuring Water Desorption Rates of In-Vitro Biomaterials
1st Joint ISBS/ISSI Congress, Hamburg 2003.