We can offer a range of consultancy services associated with the instruments we manufacture, as listed below. Please note, however, that we do not do clinical trials.

Feasibility Trials

Are you unfamiliar with TEWL measurement or contact imaging and want to get some understanding of what is involved? Do you need convincing that our instruments can do a better job than your current ones? Do you have an idea but are unsure if it will work or not?

In all the above cases, a short feasibility trial may provide a quick and economical way forward. You’ll get access to AquaFlux™ / Epsilon™  & accessories, and guidance on how to use them in your intended application.

We can make flexible arrangements for feasibility trials to suit your requirements. We can come to your premises or you can come and work at our place. We can even perform measurements to your specification but without your direct involvement. Just tell us what you want and we’ll send you the results.


We offer training, both in-house and on-site, to new users of our instruments. A typical training session takes half a day and follows a pattern of (i) PowerPoint presentation with live demo covering all aspects of the instrument’s use and care, (ii) hands-on familiarisation, and (iii) software installation & testing on one or more of your PCs or laptops.

Training complements our instruction materials and helps you to get the best performance from our instruments. Training in Europe can be conducted in English, French, German. Training in territories where we have local agents will be arranged and conducted by the agents.

Custom Design & Fabrication

Our instruments are versatile and can potentially be used for many different kinds of measurements on many different kinds of materials. To this end, we have developed a number of measurement caps, adaptors and other accessories. Some of these are listed on the product accessories pages, but we have others that have been developed for specific tasks. If you have a requirement that cannot be satisfied by one of our standard accessories, then maybe we can work together to develop a new one.

Software Adaptation

Our software uses ActiveX components that can be integrated with other software such as corporate databases. In practice, there are often minor incompatibilities between different software systems and we can provide support to your IT people to get the job done efficiently.


We can offer workshop presentations that include seminars, learning materials and hands-on experimentation on a number of topics related to our instruments, including experiment design and interpretation of measurements. Your place or ours?