Conference Contribution Details


RE Imhof, P Xiao & EP Berg.
Poster, 10th International PPP Conference, La Grande Motte, April 2006.



The importance of TEWL measurements in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics product testing and claims support is well recognised. However, some formulations applied to the skin may contain volatile solvents whose vapours may interfere with TEWL measurements. We therefore studied the effects of a number of common solvents on TEWL measurements. The method used was similar to the recently developed droplet calibration technique for TEWL. A micro-syringe was used to dispense a 0.5mg droplet of solvent into a calibration cap that was subsequently coupled to the measurement chamber of a condenser-chamber TEWL instrument. The instrument was then set to record a time-series of flux density readings as volatile components of the droplet evaporated.

Measurements on a range of common solvents, including DMSO, Transcutol, isopropyl alcohol, propylene glycol and glycerolare presented.


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